Covid-19 and its impact on poverty in Peru

Statistics on Covid-19 in Peru:

World Covid-18 rankings:

Poverty levels:

“At the end of 2019, 6.6 million Peruvians, or just over 20% of the population, faced monetary poverty. [By the end of 2020] … as a result of Covid, a further 3.3 million have fallen into that category. Consequently around 10 million suffer from monetary poverty, nearly a third of the total population …”
Read more about this in a recent news summary from the Peru Support Group about the national situation. 

The pandemic exposed Project Peru not only to all this but also to the risks and threats we face as a small charity working at a grassroots level internationally. But, despite Covid-19, Project Peru is still going strong. We have to address complex issues but we strive to present a positive, realistic image of an authentic project run in Peru by Peruvians. 

Meanwhile back at the refuge, from December we have experienced the end of a virtual school year, some restricted Christmas and New Year celebrations, a chance to help out in the wider community and some extra time to read and relax, while giving our children ongoing shelter and safety.

Any donation, small or large, to help us along with our work, would be great! Please Donate here.