Back to school in 2021? Instead, for the children in our refuge it’s still ongoing virtual education and ‘home schooling’. They last went to school in December 2019 because of the summer break till March 2020, at which point the pandemic started.
And there is no realistic chance of schools reopening before March 2022 at the earliest, so offering a virtual education to all our children aged 4 to 18 is vital, whether at nursery, primary or secondary level. Dealing with children from so many year groups and individual classes … including some who need to learn to read or write either because of their age or because, before coming to Project Peru, they had never been to school … has been a steep learning curve and an added reponsibility for our staff, not least coping with the government’s on-line provision.
To support our ongoing work in this field please Donate via this website.
To see more on our education work at the refuge please look at: