Education and support: extra curricular activities

Educational visits

We try to arrange appropriate educational visits in Lima and outings elsewhere if possible.

Our hairdressing salon

We employ sessional teachers for hairdressng, sports, dance, music and other activities, and our staff members also offer sewing and cooking classes.

Fun and games at the refuge

We periodically have “Sports days” at the refuge with a wide variety of activities and challenges.


Periodically we have participated in competitive football ‘league’ between many of the children’s homes in Lima – between 2012-2016 our girls’ teams regularly won the championships. And more recently in a local championship in Puente Piedra where our girls also won.

Our adventure playground

Our sewing room


Our music groups practise regularly and are sometimes invited to play at outside events.

Also see this News item:


Staff and volunteers work together to produce and design the costumes and decor for the annual Christmas entertainment including music and drama, which involves all the children in activities appropriate to their age.

The children play music, dance, and perform a play with both a nativity theme and with a modern social content.

Parents and families and other invited guests come on this day, which has been an annual event since 2001. Watch an extract from one of our plays as part of one of our films about the refuge.

A book about the refuge

In general a number of volunteers – both Peruvian and from abroad – help to ensure constructive use of educational, leisure and recreation activities for the children throughout the year. In 2007 we had a volunteer artist in residence who produced some exciting work with the children which led her to produce a small book about her work with us –El Nuevo Mundo’

Our dental campaigns

We have had a series of dental campaigns at the refuge thanks to a long-term supporter who is a professional dentist and university teacher.