Key Current Issues

For Project Peru’s work in Peru go to Zapallal – the work of the refuge

The following items show links to some of the major issues faced in Peru while we have been working there.

Peru Support Group

To keep up to date on some of the major long-term issues in Peru, see the Peru Support Group

In particular, for direct links to recent news articles, go to Peru Support Group News

UN Human Development Index

The 2018 report shows Peru ranking 89th out of the 189 nations surveyed. The index measures statistics regarding schooling, life expectancy, and per capita income, to rank countries in terms of human development.


The OXFAM report on increasing poverty and inequality-2018: in spite of reports of recent “growth” in Peru, both poverty rates and levels of inequality have also increased over the past few years (2016-8), according to this report. These increases represent a reversal of any trend towards improved social conditions that may have been registered over the previous 15 years. NB this report pre-dates any impact of Covid-19 in 2020-21.

Summary of this report in English.

The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

In 2005, the Make Poverty History campaign was designed to influence decisions at the July 2005 G8 summit. It established the Millenium Development Goals, set down by the UN. These have now matured into the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission 

“Aspirations: the Truth and Reconciliation Commission” reported in August 2003. It aimed to clarify and analyse the process, facts and responsibilities of the human rights violations committed during the years of political violence, 1980-2000.

The report examined the actions of those, both subversive organisations and state agents, who carried out the violations, and those who gave the orders.

The armed insurgency of Sendero Luminoso was the direct cause of the tragedy. Unlike other Latin American conflicts where responsibility for deaths has mostly been attributed to state groups, Sendero was responsible for the majority of deaths, an alarming 54%. However, the armed forces were responsible for 30%, local defence committees (rondas campesinas) 4%, MRTA 1.5-1.8%, and “un-determined” 10.2%. The report described and condemned the extreme violence and “terrorist methodology” used. It also referred to the dangerous personality cult of the Sendero leader. However, the armed forces and the national police were neither logistically, operatively nor psychologically prepared, causing a number of crimes against humanity committed by state agencies.

Political leaders were also responsible for the violence as they failed to control the situation and could have avoided such crimes but did not.

The report also detailed the terrible conditions, racism and social factors that made the subversive war possible. It stressed that the indifference of the majority in Peru was a major factor and advised that each and every Peruvian should recognise and accept their responsibilities.

The Commission’s final overwhelming estimate of those killed or disappeared was 69,280. The majority of the victims (75%) were indigenous Quechua speakers who got caught between the warring sides.

The Peru Support Group produced a summary version in English. For more information and updates see their website: , and click on ‘Human Rights’.

Other outlets for current news.