In the UK there are a number of tax-effective ways of giving to charities; the website shows some of the ways in which you can support Project Peru by doing this while at the same time making your gift go further. However, paying by cheque or through your bank is usually the most cost-effective way of donating; there may be charges for other ways of giving. Please ask for our bank details.
Or just make a donation via this page!
Make more of a difference!
People often only give to charity when they’re confronted by an appeal and asked to donate. We could all do more to support the causes we care about. It’s easy to make a one-off gift to charity; it’s quick, easy, and painless! A regular donation would be even better. We need your help to ensure a steady income for our ongoing work in Peru, and funding for any special projects.
What does Project Peru need money for?
Project Peru’s main requirements are for:
- The core running costs for our children’s refuge where we normally have over 50 children and young people in our care.
- Periodic capital costs for our own buildings, garden and education-based improvements.
- Development of social/outreach projects in the local community.
- Specific external community projects in other parts of Peru.
Our core running costs
These include the monthly revenue costs of running the children’s refuge including wages, food, health, education, psychological support, extra-curricular activities, transport, services, general building maintenance, cargo costs and legal and administrative costs.
How can you help us?
For UK taxpayers Regular monthly Gift Aid donations are crucial to enable us to plan ahead better. For example…
A £100 donation plus Gift Aid will pay for one child to live for a month in our refuge.
A £50 donation plus Gift Aid will pay for one child for two weeks.
A £25 donation plus Gift Aid will pay for one child for one week.
(Gift Aid currently gives us an additional 25% from personal donations by UK taxpayers).
We are however in no way limited to receiving donations from the UK; donations from anywhere are welcome!
Any donations by cheque should be payable to ‘Project Peru’. This is still usually the most cost-effective way to donate.
Please post to Project Peru, 1, St. Catherine’s Hill, Guildford, GU2 4EF or ask us for our bank details, and let us have a completed Gift Aid form where appropriate.
OR use the DONATE button that is visible on each page of this website.
Or there are also a number of other different and straightforward ways of making donations ON-LINE, each of which has a built-in option to choose to Gift Aid your donation if appropriate, in which case you would not need to complete our form: see the various ‘Donate’ buttons in our ‘Other ways of giving‘ page.
Just imagine … a donation of £1,000 plus Gift Aid would make our refuge a safe and happy place for one child for a whole year.