Our broad aim is to help some of those suffering from extreme poverty and disadvantage in Peru.
Our charity is based in the UK and our core objective is to fund this work in Peru.
To do this we have established a refuge for children near Lima.
This is run by local Peruvian staff through our representatives there.
We encourage our colleagues in Peru to seek ways of becoming more self-sufficient in funding the work there, both for their future security and for their own self esteem.
Where funds permit, we will widen our scope to support others in the community beyond our refuge.
We seek to run a project there that demonstrates best practice both in our childcare work and as an employer.
We aim to pass on the maximum possible amount of the funds we raise for our direct charitable work in Peru.
We remain an entirely voluntary organisation in the UK with no paid staff or ‘head office’ premises, so we have low overhead costs as a result.
We also strive to avoid other excessive expenditure without compromising the professionalism of our work.
We not only fundraise for our work and ask others to do so too, but we believe that this can increase awareness of global issues and people’s understanding of these, if they can have confidence in a knowledge that their efforts are helping directly.
To further our public awareness dimension we work with schools to help promote global issues by involving children and teachers in activities that support this task.