Poverty on the rise in Peru

[To note: this News item and the report it refers to is dated well before any indication existed of the 2020-21 Covid-19 pandemic].

In this website Project Peru shows you some of the positive things we have been able to do over the years, but we have no guaranteed income and while we have minimal overheads your support is essential so we can continue with this work in future. So please donate generously via this website: gracias.

In 2018 OXFAM reported on increasing poverty and inequality in Peru. In spite of reports of recent ‘growth’ in Peru, both poverty rates and levels of inequality also increased over the past few years (2016-18) according to this report. These increases represent a reversal of any trend towards improved social conditions that may have been registered over the previous 15 years.

The OXFAM report in Spanish

Peru Support Group’s summary of the OXFAM report in English:

While most extreme poverty is in the rural areas, this does have a direct effect on our work as it can increase internal migration to the shanty town areas, as does ‘development’ in central Lima, which can drive people from their homes there out to the periphery of the city.