Volunteering opportunities open up again in Peru

During 2020 and 2021 we were not able to welcome volunteers in our refuge in Peru but from 2022 we are now able to do so.

We are very happy to handle any provisional enquiries or expressions of interest at any time whether from individuals, groups or families. Please contact us by email or phone: information@projectperu.org.uk or +44 [0]1483 576093

And do look at our website on Volunteers in Peru where among other things you’ll see comments by previous volunteers to our refuge.

We have recently received a group of volunteers, employees of a company that has been supporting us for many years. They were able to enjoy the experience of meeting and engaging with the children and staff, enjoying a day’s outing with them as well as putting in stints of manual work in construction and maintenance as illustrated below.

On the site where their company is part-funding a new residential building for Project Peru, excavating for vital facilities such as for a fresh water storage tank, for a septic tank, and for a grey water storage tank:

Painting and decorating in our library and in other educational areas of the refuge:

Constructing a new wooden building for a community soup kitchen in a local shanty town:

Please contact us by email or phone: information@projectperu.org.uk or +44 [0]1483 576093